Plasticity evaluation

Plasticity evaluation The experiments involve subjecting metal sheets to biaxial deformation, coupled with advanced measurement of Forming Limit Curve (FLC) diagrams using linear and non-linear strain paths. The system is equipped with four independently controlled actuators with a total load capacity of 50 kN of each one. The innovative design allows a simultaneous strain tracking…

Reversible hot/cold rolling

Reversible hot /cold rolling Experimental reversible rolling mill can deliver up to 6 000 kN of rolling force and 200 kNm of torque. It provides sufficient power to handle alloys with a high deformation resistance like nickel-base superalloys or maraging steels, both at the elevated or the room temperature. The rolling mill can accommodate either two-high,…

Material data for modelling

Material data for modelling Fracture locus evaluation Fracture locus is the ductile failure criterion, which expresses the material behaviour under the wide range of different triaxiality states. Therefore, set of different specimen’s geometries are tested. Based on the results, fracture locus can be expressed as a triaxiality-equivalent plastic strain dependency (2D), or triaxiality-equivalent plastic strain-Lode…

Crashworthiness modelling

Crashworthiness modelling The numerical simulations are used to evaluate stress and strain distribution and crack initialization and propagation. The simulations are performed using ABAQUS or Autoform software.  The data generated by tensile tests under dynamic conditions and at different temperatures are used as input data. The drop weight tower testing is used for verification of…


Crashworthiness Dynamic Component Test The crash behaviour of components can be evaluated by two different tests: dynamic 3-point bending tests on omega profiles and dynamic compression tests on box beams. Dynamic 3-point bending tests are performed on an improved setup of Drop Weight Tower with two high speed cameras (assisted by DIC analysis), application of…

Complementary services

Complementary services Other material characterisation services Complementary services are offered by the Test Bed in line with innovative services, offering our clients a full 360º package to meet their needs and ensure that the solutions are optimal for their commercial development. Some complementary services include: heat treatment, tribometry, fatigue testing, forming or vacuum melting. Tailored-made…

In-line part quality assessment

Industrial on-line diffusible H measurement After proper preliminary calibration, HELIOS 4 HOT PROBE equipment is able to perform diffusible hydrogen measurements directly online on sheet metal parts, according to CWA 17794 2021. Measurement is completely non-destructive and there is no need to remove the coating. Tests are useful for new steel grade qualification or process…

In-process check systems

Punching system for quality control of materials A method based on the instrumentalization of a punch or die tool that allows detecting the parameters required to shear the material. Once the parameters are set by using a calibration step, the system permits monitoring the material quality during the stamping process or even before doing a…

Modelling of H embrittlement

Modelling of H embrittlement Starting from a given model of the component, accounting for the geometry and stress-strain distribution map at the end of the stamping process, the evaluation of hydrogen diffusion and eventual accumulation over time can be estimated. In particular, a coupled diffusion-structural FEM can be used to estimate the hydrogen concentration distribution…